Jesus challenges us to be the 'light of the world' What are some of the characteristics of light that we are called to imbibe? 1. Light needs to illuminate and give direction. A lighthouse directs ships towards the harbour in the same way Jesus says "let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven." Our lifestyles need to be pointers to God and our community as sign posts to God. We should be like a lighthouse and give direction to others rather than attract attention to ourselves. 2. Light Directs On a dark night a speck of light in the distance is enough to keep us going. A lantern in hand is enough to show what the next step ought to be. The song Lead Kindly light says: "The night is dark and I am far from home, Lead thou me on. Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see The distant scene; one step enough for me." We need to be people who would act as sign posts directing people towards God. 3. Light Reveals It is by our good works that others will know who God is? Our lives need to attract people to Christ. Somebody once said that our lives are the fifth gospel and that may be the only gospel some people may ever see. 4. Light Shines in the Midst of Darkness The place of light is in the midst of darkness. We may see the powers of darkness working all around us; but this is where our work is. We are called to challenge the powers of darkness, principalities and powers. Illus. Train Accident/ Fused bulbs - no gates but only a watchman with a lamp Are we like empty lanterns without any light? We sometimes have all the trappings of Christianity but there is no change in our hearts. The challenge that Jesus places before us is to be renewed so that we can truly be the light of the world. Shalom, Paul Swarup Comments are closed.
May 2024